


Leadership culture & systems

Our ability to steer a company is dependent on a consciously crafted leadership culture and systems

What we do


How we view transformation

We are extremely humble about the challenges of transformation. Most programmes fail; 60-70%.

Our role is primarily to support the human side of transformation – shifting mindset, behaviours and culture.

We support existing larger transformation programmes or culture shifts in smaller systems.

Thus, we might help you enhance a culture of innovation, support top leadership to build an agile culture from the top, or shift from an unproductive focus on potentially limiting values such as cost-cutting and control to focus on learning and process quality.

Define a realistic scope and ensure leadership is onboard

To enable transformation, we must work with a whole system at once.

To do so, we define the natural and immediate boundaries of that part of the organisation or system that we want to transform. Then we work with a cadre of change-agents over a shorter period (12-18 months) to reach a tipping point where systemic transformation will occur.

The natural boundaries of the system, may be defined by the boundaries of a department or a function, a part of the value chain or a geographic location.

The only core condition for success is that the top leadership team within scope is willing to hold the space and become role models during the process.

Example of first stages in culture transformation process

Cultures of innovation, creativity and performance

Whether you are trying to build a culture that is more innovative, creative or high-performing the foundation is most often to increase the health of the culture.

This work focuses on building psychological safety, minimising focus on potentially limiting values such as cost-cutting and control and creating a scene of serious play where people can learn.

Leaders become important role models in this process and so our work will start with the top leadership team.

Build transformation capacity

One of the most overlooked components of successfully shifting a culture is to build the capacity to transform. This happens on three levels.

First, we have to understand our own part in the transformation. Organisations don’t transform – people do. We call it personal mastery. Secondly, we must shift our way of operating together. This requires an immense number of productive conversations. We must learn how to do this deliberately and consciously.

Thirdly, we must learn how to lead differently. How will we lead more co-creatively, leverage role-modelling and create experiments around new practices to solidify the transformation of how we operate.

Read about The Field

The Field is a 9 month leadership programme. A journey into the art and science of transformational leadership.


Case story

Enabling collaboration in a complex program

Notes on leadership

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