





Explore why you are in business, clarify priorities and create energy within your organization.


Bring different world-views together to co-create lasting results across business relationships


Transform culture and performance by shifting the way that people think, talk and act.


Transform how you show up as a leader. Shift limiting mindset and behaviours.


Build mindset, norms and skills that bring out the best of what your team has to offer.


Explore why you are in business, clarify priorities and create energy within your organization.


Bring different world-views together to co-create lasting results across business relationships


Transform culture and performance by shifting the way that people think, talk and act.


Transform how you show up as a leader. Shift limiting mindset and behaviours.


Build mindset, norms and skills that bring out the best of what your team has to offer.

How do you lead transformation? 

Become part of our 9 months leadership course. 

How do you lead transformation? 

Become part of our 9 months leadership course. 

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Start a new

Start a new conversation at your workplace


The future of work is human

Departing in our own experiences and the most recent research, we share our perspectives on the future on human dynamics in business. We reflect on trends, myths, ideas and tell stories about topics essential to leading successfully in a complex and unpredictable future.



We enable decisions on difficult topics

One Day Dialogues is a platform for productive conversations. Some times we get stuck in discussions, unable to make final decisions and progress. Especially if the topic at hand is difficult and with many stakeholders involved. We facilitate productive and real conversations to get to the core of things quickly.


High quality conversations

High quality takes preparation. It’s key to get really clear on the purpose and aspired outcomes before the discussion. Pre-interviews with all participants are often required.

How does it work?

Based on your clarification of the topic and specification of particular issues, we design an interactive process that allows for plenty of conversation, where everyone is included and off-tangent discussions are avoided.

What do you get?

We focus on creating a day of productive conversations. We will also document key points focusing on actionable decisions derived from the discussion.

When are One Day Dialogues relevant?

At any point conversations start to go in circles within your team or across the organisation. Within decision making groups certain topics are never really aligned fully, which affects the overall ability to execute.

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